Austrey now has 3 defibrillators. The original is still situated
inside the former telephone box on Main Road, right next to
the Baptist Church. A second was recently installed on the
exterior of the Village Hall on Main Road and a third is
positioned on the wall of Appleby Hill at the Crossroads.
A defibrillator is a portable machine that automatically sends an electric shock to the heart muscle to return it to its normal rhythm. Whilst we hope they are never needed, it provides peace of mind that someone could be given practical help should they suffer a sudden cardiac arrest (heart attack).
This devices are accessible 24 hours a day. They have been installed by the Parish Council amid concerns that ambulance response times for rural locations like Austrey can be lengthy.
Defibrillators are designed to be used without training and, in
its simplest terms, you would:
ring 999
tell the operator the location of the box
the operator will tell you the code you need to open the box
follow the instructions given by/on the machine
For here more information on how to use a defibrillator.
The telephone box also houses a book exchange.