There are 30 Parish Councils within North Warwickshire, which form the most local level of Government.
They have statutory powers and some duties. Each Parish Council is made up by a number of Councillors, and this number varies with the size of the Parish.
Austrey has 7 unpaid volunteer Parish Councillors who are elected by the parishioners, and a part time Parish Clerk who is a paid employee.
Austrey Parish Council works for our community and strives to improve the quality of life in the parish. To be fully effective it should represent, and be representative of, the whole community – we therefore urge all parishioners to become involved whether running for election as a Parish Councillor, coming to Parish Council meetings, or simply contacting us about any matter you believe is of importance to the parish.
The Parish Council is also responsible for liaising with the Borough and District Council on certain matters, and delivering certain services to meet local needs.
Through attending meetings and committees with other elected members, Councillors decide which activities to support, where money should be spent, what services should be delivered and what policies should be implemented. Some of the items that the Parish Council are directly responsible for are as follows:
Managing the budget, and deciding how much to raise through council tax (this is known as the ‘precept’) to deliver the services needed in Austrey
Working to identify issues which are important to the lives of the residents we represent.
Working to improve the quality of life and the environment in Austrey through local projects, lobbying other service providers and working in partnership with other parishes and agencies.
Management and lease of the land at Austrey Playing Fields, and the maintenance of the playground there.
Collation and publication of the village newsletter
Management of the website
Maintenance of the bus shelter
Seasonal displays, including tubs and baskets, and the Christmas tree.
It is also liaises with the Borough and District Council with respect to the following:
Commenting on planning applications within the parish
Street cleaning, litter bins and dog waste bins.
Highways and street lighting
Hollybank playground
Finally the Parish Council also has links with other non-government services, organisations and businesses within Austrey and in the local area.
Attending one of our monthly meetings is the best way to find out what the Parish Council does, and more information is also available on this website about recent issues and current events.