Planning Applications
Nether End, 2 Warton Lane, Austrey, CV9 3EJ - PENDING
Listed building consent for replacement of wooden windows with double glazed units, enclose back porch, add ensuite to master bedroom, replace wooden canopy to side door, add French doors to living room and relocate kitchen.
Doug Stables, Orton Lane, Austrey, CV9 3EA - Approval of Reserved Matters Granted
Reserved Matters application for approval of landscaping details and the formal discharge of planning conditions 6 (materials), 7 (contamination), 8 (contamination), 9 (contamination), 10 (verification), 11 (EMP), 12 (drainage), 13 (landscaping), 14 (Demolition MS),16 (FFL), 17 (lighting) and 20 (Bats) pursuant to planning permission ref: PAP/2023/0010 for conversion of barn, removal of existing building and mobile caravan and the erection of a single dwelling.
Land And Buildings 25 Metres South Of Northwood House, Norton Hill, Austrey, (Grid Ref: Easting 429982.94, Northing 306130.29) - NOTIFICATION OF APPEAL
Outline planning permission for the demolition of existing agricultural/storage building and construction of new dwelling on similar footprint, plus detached garages with access to be considered
Doug Stables, Orton Lane, Austrey, CV9 3EA (Note of amended plans/description) - GRANTED
Outline application for the conversion of barn, removal of existing buildings and mobile caravan and the erection of a single dwelling, with access, appearance, layout and scale. Landscaping to be reserved matters.
Charity House, 89-91 Main Road, Austrey, CV9 3EG - APPEAL DISMISSED
Variation of condition no: 4 of planning permission PAUSAV/0602/96/FAP (PAP/1996/3856) dated 14/08/1996 relating to use of swimming pool limited to clients covered under The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and specifically with reference to section 149 of the Equality Act 2010.
Land And Buildings 25 Metres South Of Northwood House, Norton Hill, Austrey, (Grid Ref: Easting 429973.34, Northing 306136.13) - REFUSED
Outline planning permission for the demolition of existing agricultural/storage building and construction of new dwelling on similar footprint, plus detached garages with access to be considered
Field 180m east of Lodge Farm, Warton Lane, Austrey - GRANTED
Conversion of existing agricultural building to Class C3 dwelling house, change of use of land for equestrian purposes, erection of equestrian stable barn and formation of a menage with associated floodlighting (stables and menage for private use only) and erection of open sided trailer shed style carport.
Charity House, 89-91 Main Road, Austrey, CV9 3EG - APPEAL: REFUSED
Variation of condition no: 4 of planning permission PAUSAV/0602/96/FAP (PAP/1996/3856) dated 14/08/1996 relating to use of swimming pool limited to clients covered under The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and specifically with reference to section 149 of the Equality Act 2010.
The Homestead, 82 Main Road, Austrey, CV9 3EG - NOTIFICATION OF APPLICATION
Application to discharge conditions 3 (Retain and reuse materials), 4 (Method Statement), 5, (Internal and external works), 6 (Construction Management Plan), 7 (Materials) and 8 (Electric charging points) of planning permission PAP/2021/0261 dated 14/02/2023
Manor Court, 8 Warton Lane Austrey CV9 3EJ - GRANTED
Variation of condition no: 2 and 7 of planning permission PAP/2021/0055 dated 21/05/2021 relating to elevations, drive, boundary treatment and car charge point in respect of Variation of condition no: 2 of
planning permission PAP/2019/0246 relating to minor changes to elevations and plans, which was for demolition and new dwelling
Stables at Land South of Flavel Farm, Warton Lane, Austrey - APPEAL DECISION: PERMISSION GRANTED
Change of use of land to a mixed use site, to continue the equestrian use and add residential use for two
Gypsy families. Site to contain two static caravans, two touring caravans, parking for four vehicles with associated hardstanding and water treatment plant